I follow and donate to a couple of animal charities in our area. Today I want to touch on WeSNiP. You probably heard that they provide affordable spay and neutering for low-income people and their pets. Originally they worked out of a huge bus but now have a static location they share with Animal Emergency Care off Telegraph Road. In the last year they started doing spay/neutering for feral cats in the county as well.
I’ve linked to their most recent newsletter below. It describles how the organization has helped our community and it’s pets. They have helped to decrease the incidence of euthanisia of healthy cats and dogs as well as that of feral cats. Please read the newsletter for more specific info.

2012 Holiday WeSNiP Newsletter.

WeSNiP is funded by individual donations, a membership club for monthly donations, and their twice yearly garage sales (there may be more ways they get funding as well, I’m not sure). Please consider donating through their website or donating something to their garage sale when the time comes again.
Remember spay and neuter your pets!


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