Recently it came to our attention that it might be a problem that we don’t have a local number. Since I run the business via my cell phone, and I’ve had cell phones for a very long time, I have forgotten about long distance calling. When we were living in the greater Seattle area the area codes for people varied, it didn’t seem to matter where they lived or worked, there were about three different options. It’s just the way life was.

Bellingham is different, which is why we like it. It moves slower, enjoys life, and people still wonder about long distance charges. So Bellingham, we have a new number! A local number!

In case you have our old “425” number, I still have that. I’ll be keeping for some time, while I transition everyone over to the local number. It’s a process and we’ll have lots of patience until it’s all finished.
So when you are ready for your next massage, give me a ring at 360-990-6459!

BMC massage therapist/owner

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